Lytle Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can you use regular toothpaste with veneers?

Many people opt for veneers or dental shells to make their teeth look cosmetically perfect. If you do not know what veneer is, then it is dental equipment or appliance that is used to correct various dental imperfections like gaps, cracked teeth, chipped teeth, discoloration, etc. 

Dental shells are one of the most cost-efficient and popular cosmetic dental treatments. Anyone with slight to medium dental issues can use this dental equipment to make their smile look more prominent and beautiful. 

Veneers basically are like tooth covers that can fit on the front surface of your tooth or teeth. And they are made up of high-quality materials like porcelain, composite similar to the color of the tooth, etc. In addition, there are various kinds of dental shells which you can opt for depending on the condition of your teeth.

Now you know that these dental equipment are a great option to use for multiple dental imperfections. But it is also vital to take care of your oral health while you wear them. Sometimes it can be a little tricky to choose an ideal toothpaste for the veneers, and if you do not pay attention to the kind of toothpaste you are using, it can harm their quality.

So, in this article, we will read about everything related to this dental or orthodontic equipment and how you can take care of them with the right kind of toothpaste.

Why do you need to use toothpaste with veneers?

As you know, this dental equipment covers the front part of your teeth, almost camouflaging the imperfections. If you are suffering from issues from stains, broken teeth, a diastema, etc., you can use veneers. 

Once you start using them, you have to make sure you are following a proper dental care routine and using correctly formulated toothpaste, so they last for 10 or more years easily.

Though veneers are very durable but using a formulated toothpaste that is meant for restoration purposes is best for the ones made from porcelain. Therefore, it is essential to consult your dentist first before buying any over-the-counter toothpaste.   

Is teeth whitening toothpaste good for veneers?

Patients with veneers have to pay extra attention to what kind of toothpaste they use. One of the most common questions they ask is whether it is safe to use whitening toothpaste with the same or not.

So, to keep your veneers white and shiny, it is not necessary to use teeth-whitening toothpaste. Moreover, most dentists suggest that using whitening toothpaste can do more harm than good to the porcelain ones. The ingredients in whitening toothpaste are very abrasive and can damage the surface of this dental equipment, making it look discolored and damaged. 

Can you use regular or fluoride-based toothpaste with veneers?

Yes, most of the regular toothpaste has fluoride in them, and it is not only safe to use with veneers, but it also helps to restore the quality of the teeth. In addition, if you wear porcelain-type fluoride-based toothpaste helps prevent decay and increase the lifespan as well.

Lastly, you can easily take care of your dental shells if you pay a little attention to the toothpaste you are using. You must avoid toothpaste with abrasive ingredients, and do not use whitening toothpaste rather use a gel-based and cavity-fighting toothpaste.