Lytle Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Do You Really Need To See A Dentist Every 6 Months?

Very few people like to sit in a dentist’s chair even if they have significant dental issues, let alone meet their dentist every six months for regular checkups. Dental associations in most countries recommend visiting your dental doctor at least once a year. Still, seeing your dentist every six months is advisable to maintain excellent oral health. Scheduling an appointment with your dentist regularly would help prevent oral problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Modern dentistry is characterized majorly by prevention techniques which are done in many forms, such as encouraging patients to brush and floss regularly, eat a healthy diet, use mouthwashes and fluoridated toothpaste, etc. Another essential aspect of the dental regime is a semi-annual visit to the dental office for checkups or professional cleaning.

Let us find out why it is vital to visit your dental doctor every six months for your dental health.

Dental Checkups Vs. Dental Treatment

Dental checkup and treatment are two different things, as illustrated below:

  • Dental checkup involves routine visits where examination and cleaning happen. In contrast, dental treatment is a specialized visit where a patient seeks treatment for dental problems like filling, root canal, deep teeth cleaning, removal of teeth, etc.
  • Dental checkups follow a pre-decided regular schedule, whereas dental treatment is scheduled on a need basis.
  • If you plan regular dental checkups, you can avoid expensive dental treatments.

What Happens In A Regular Checkup?

The fear of dental visits mostly stops many of us from going for regular dental checkups. But knowing what to expect in the appointment could ease your mind and prepare you better for the scheduled visits. Here are the things your dentist is likely to do in your meeting:

  • Ask questions about your overall health and update your dental history.
  • Ask questions about our lifestyle and tobacco or alcohol consumption.
  • Perform a thorough examination of the mouth.
  • Oral cancer screening.
  • Blood pressure screening.
  • Take digital X-rays and explain whatever be the findings of the report.
  • Oral prophylaxis or professional cleaning and polishing of teeth.
  • Give instructions to maintain and enhance your oral health.
  • If any dental problems are found, then your dentist will recommend appropriate treatments.

Reasons Why You Should Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months

Consider the following reasons when you are in a dilemma about whether you should visit your dentist as frequently as semi-annually:

  • Stop propagation of tooth decay – Your teeth can be destroyed due to sugary foods, and this condition worsens around every six months with plaque buildup. Your teeth might be slowly ruining, and you would not be aware of it unless you go for a routine inspection at the dental clinic. The dentist can find hidden cavities and decay and treat them in time before they can propagate to severe gum disease (periodontitis). A survey done in the UK revealed that children who visited the dental office only when they noticed a problem needed more teeth extraction and fillings than kids who visited their dentists regularly. Another survey of adults showed that those with fewer teeth missing were the ones who went for routine dental checkups every six months.
  • Prevent the buildup of plaque – Plaque is composed of bacteria and forms a thin, sticky film on our pearly whites whenever we eat or drink something. Plaque, if not removed properly daily, can result in tartar which is harder and can not be removed by regular brushing. If you do not brush your teeth twice daily, there are high chances of tartar formation on your dentitions. But if you visit your dental doctor regularly, it will help in eradicating plaque and leave your teeth healthier.
  • Prevent gum disease – Your teeth have a better chance of surviving if gum disease is spotted in its early stages, and your dentist can easily do that before the problem gets severe. If the gum disease is not treated in time, your gums can get inflamed and red, and you will find it painful to consume foods and drinks. Your dentist can treat them in time and suggest ways to prevent gum disease, proper methods of brushing and flossing, use of mouthwash, etc.
  • Save money in the future – With regular care of your teeth, you can save a lot of money in the future. If you visit your dental doctor every six months, any disease can be caught early on and treated. But if the condition worsens, you might have to undergo more expensive treatments such as dental crowns, veneers, etc., which are not covered by insurance.
  • Enhance your smile – When you go for professional checkups and get cleaning done, it improves your tooth color and condition, which results in a dazzling white smile you can flaunt.

Summing Up

Visiting your dentist every six months could seem like an overkill to many of us, but it can save us money and pain and give us a brighter smile and healthier teeth.