Lytle Dental


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How long do Invisalign impressions take?

An Invisalign impression or a dental impression is a copy or impression of your teeth. Invisalign impression helps make proper Invisalign aligners that fit your teeth and help in the teeth straightening process. An Invisalign impression can be taken in two ways, either with the help of putty or with a digital scan using an optical scanner. 

Once your dentist has taken your Invisalign impression, it is sent to make Invisalign trays which you will wear during your Invisalign treatment to shift the teeth to a better position. It generally takes around four weeks to make Invisalign trays after taking Invisalign or dental impressions.

Types of Invisalign impressions

Traditional dental impression

In a traditional dental impression, your dentist will use putty to take the impression of your teeth. Your dentist will place the putty in a tray and then put it over your teeth and gums and let it rest. After the putty is set, your dentist will remove the tray from your mouth, and you will have the imprint of your teeth. In addition, the Invisalign impressions are taken for both your upper and lower jaw.

Digital dental impression

A digital dental impression is also one of the ways to get your Invisalign impressions. If your dentist has an optical scanner, your Invisalign impressions can be taken digitally. In digital dental impressions, the scanner captures a perfect image of your teeth. Once the photo is taken, your dentist will send it to make your Invisalign trays. In addition, most patients prefer to get a digital dental impression done as it saves time and hassle of the traditional impression. Digital dental impression offers excellent accuracy, and it can be transferred electronically, which helps speed up the process of making Invisalign trays.Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, it is essential to consult your dentist for proper treatment.